GA Certificate Achievers (OCT 2017)

to our GA achiever (Oct 2017)
Owen Lee (Level 2 achiever)
Jimmy Gao (Level 1 achiever)
Wei Xiang (Level 1 achiever)
Owen Lee
is one of the trainee who will often turn many parent’s head when they arrive
at the hall to pick or drop their child for training due to his skilful and
swift movements. He had joined us close to 2 years now and had shown tremendous
improvement both in his skills as well as his attitudes. He is also one of the “Most
Progress Award” winner on our annual OBA Reunion Day last year. His highest
personal tournament achievement by far is quarter-finals, where he made his
very first tribute by putting a very remarkable fight against one of the top shuttler
in his age group. He is preparing for his next age group competitions which is
coming up this December, we looking for better result to come, let’s wish him
all the best!
is often the trainee who make the lesson feel very easy and create lots of
laughers in the group. He is a humble but a very outspoken person who always
wanted to clear all his doubts with the coaches. That actually led him to be
able to improve fast in such a short time despite the tight working schedule he
has. Thumbs up!
when Wei xiang first joined us, he is very sceptical with himself to achieving
things. Although he might seem quiet, but he is often that guy who put in his
hundred and ten percent in the training session. This achievement will serve as
a very good encouragement to allow him to persevere on his good work. Cheers!
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