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Common Badminton Mistakes

Info, Published on Jul 5. 2017

Common badminton mistakes that you need to attend to

Today we are going to talk about the mistakes that we make in a badminton match in a general idea. So sit back, relax and enjoy the information that you can get in this blog post.

But first things first NOBODY’s PERFECT, if you have an impeccable technique does not translate to impeccable and unblemished play, all players have their own unique style, and unorthodox technique or unconventional form is not necessarily a cause for change. Being nobody is perfect all we need to do is to better ourselves at one point or another and slowly but surely climb on top and the only key to work on aspects of your game that you feel are lacking focus on those things and for sure you will be a high caliber badminton player that badminton gears and equipment will be second best because your best aspect is your skill set. 

Here are the mistakes that we unconsciously make during a game;


A very competitive badminton players are often hard on themselves for mistakes made during a match, a lot of players or should we say everyone misses one easy shots from time to time, even during a critical rallies and this is the big message that you have to put in your mind, the worst thing you can do is let your frustration and emotions affect your play. Instead of dwelling in your previous errors, take note that you can always make a necessary adjustments, anger and disappointment should be set aside when playing badminton you have to be on top of your emotions to really release the awesomeness in you.

One mistake will not immediately discredit all the other great shots you’ve made, do not focus too much on a missed opportunity for it will only lead to more mistakes that could cost you the game. Instead always use your mistake to your advantage, because we all know the saying that experience is a great teacher and you will only be able to learn and adjust from your mistakes if you maintain a clear head. Take note to enjoy the game that you love and be competitive at the same time.


We all have that idea that smash is the greatest weapon a player could ever have we have to agree with that but a lot of players are being blinded that the only opportunity to score is to smash the shuttlecock as hard as you can so your opponent could not return it back, this has become one of the bad habits of players is that they fall into swinging too hard on smashes. Let’s use basic words on this, if you smash too hard you are expending too much energy and losing control over your placement. You might gas out in the later part of the game and worst it will cost you the game.

This is an indication that you are smashing too hard, if your arm of wrist is hurting maybe you are smashing too hard. The next one require observation on your part, if you cannot adequately place the shuttle or if you notice that your smashes become weaker as the match goes on then you should dial back your smashes just a tad. Always monitor your smashes if you can still produce powerful smash then you are still in a good shape but if you notice that your energy is beginning to drop you should adjust and find the best opportunity to release that smash. Also take note to monitor your opponents there are opponent that even you are smashing it powerfully but he/she is a good smash defender you need to be stingier with your smashes or use other way or trick to score and win the game.

Service Error

A lot of players are having a lot of mistakes in illegal serves, it refers to contacting the shuttle above the legal height, which is the lowest rib of your rib cage. This affects the backhand serves, but for the forehand serves are certainly not out of the question. In an amateur game you might not experience being called an illegal serve but if you are targeting to compete and play on a tournaments, players will typically speak up about questionable serves. It requires a lot of practice and time to tweak your serve and to change it and make it one of your advantages.

You might need to ask one of your good playing buddies to practice your service let him watch you serve, and look for the contact point of the shuttle needs to be below your lowest rib. Like a lot of shots in badminton, the serve is highly dependent on your feel for it. The secret to enhance this and correct this mistake is repetition, altering your serve will never feel normal at first, but through practice and repetition you will become more and more comfortable

To end it all you have to go back to the fundamentals, and ultimately you’ll find what works best for you. Get up and Dominate The Game!